Language and Framework Guides

Run a Remix Container App


Back4App Containers is a powerful platform that enables developers to deploy and scale their applications on globally distributed containers with ease. It takes care of the DevOps, allowing you to focus on your code. Back4App Containers offers features like GitHub integration, Docker deployment, automatic deployments, real-time deployment tracking, real-time application monitoring, and zero-downtime updates. In this guide, we will demonstrate how to deploy a Remix application on Back4App Containers.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to join the conversation in the #Containers channel on the Back4app Community on Slack. Anytime you can also contact us at [email protected].

1. Prepare your React application

To prepare your React application for deployment on Back4App Containers, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have the latest version of Node.js and npm installed on your local machine. Check your version with node -v and npm -v. If you need to update, visit Node.js and follow the instructions.
  2. Create a new Remix application using the Remix CLI by running npx create-remix. Choose a suitable name for your project and select the preferred development environment.
  3. Change into your project directory with cd your-app-name.
  4. Install all the required dependencies using npm install.
  5. Run your application locally with npm run dev to ensure everything is working as expected.

2. Dockerization

To dockerize your Remix application, create a Dockerfile in the root of your project directory with the following contents:


This Dockerfile specifies Node.js 14 as the base image, sets the working directory, installs the dependencies, copies your application files, builds the production version of the app, and exposes port 3000.

3. Test your Project Locally

Before deploying your application, test it locally with Docker:

  1. Build the Docker image with docker build -t your-image-name ..
  2. Run the Docker container with docker run -p 3000:3000 your-image-name.
  3. Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to verify the application is running as expected.

4. Push your project to GitHub

To push your project to a GitHub repository, follow these steps:

  1. Initialize a new Git repository in your project directory with git init.
  2. Add all files to the repository with git add ..
  3. Commit the changes with git commit -m "Initial commit".
  4. Create a new repository on GitHub, and copy its URL.
  5. Add the remote repository with git remote add origin your-repository-url.
  6. Push your changes to the remote repository with git push -u origin master.

5. Deploy your application on Back4app Containers

To deploy your Rails app on Back4app Containers, start by logging in to your Back4app account and connecting your GitHub repository to the platform. Once connected, navigate to the Containers section and create a new container app. During this process, you can customize your Dockerfile path, and also create any necessary environment variables required by your application. You can follow these Docs for a better guidance:

In summary, containers will follow the instructions detailed on your Dockerfile and start to create your App.

After configuring your container app, Back4app will automatically build the container image using your Dockerfile and deploy your Rails app on the platform. The deployment process may take a few minutes, depending on the size and complexity of your application.

Once the deployment is complete, Back4app Containers will provide you with a unique URL where you can access your deployed app.

6. Monitor deployment and address possible errors

While your application is deploying, you can monitor the progress in the "Deployments" tab of your container in the Back4app Containers dashboard. The deployment logs provide real-time information on the deployment process and any errors or warnings that may occur.

Pay attention to error messages and warnings to ensure a successful deployment. If you encounter any issues, refer to the troubleshooting section below or consult the official documentation for more information.

7. Troubleshooting common problems

Here are five common problems you might face when deploying and running your Remix application on Back4app Containers and their possible solutions:

  1. Build or deployment failure: Check the deployment logs for any error messages or warnings. Common issues include incorrect Dockerfile configuration, missing dependencies, or syntax errors in your code. Address the identified issues and redeploy.
  2. Application not accessible: Make sure the exposed port in your Dockerfile matches the port your application is running on. Also, verify that the container is running and listening on the correct port in the Back4app Containers dashboard.
  3. GitHub repository connection issues: Ensure your GitHub account is properly connected to Back4app Containers and has the necessary permissions to access the selected repository. Check if the repository URL and branch are correct and try redeploying.
  4. Performance issues: If your application is experiencing slow response times or high resource usage, consider optimizing your code, using a more efficient database, or adding more resources to your container by upgrading your plan on Back4app Containers.
  5. Outdated dependencies: Ensure your application is using the latest versions of its dependencies by checking your package.json file and updating any outdated packages. Outdated dependencies can cause compatibility issues or security vulnerabilities.

By following this guide, you should now have a better understanding of how to deploy and manage your Remix Phoenix applications on Back4App Containers. With its powerful features and easy-to-use interface, Back4App Containers is an excellent platform for hosting your applications while leaving the complexities of DevOps to the experts.