Parse Swift SDK

User Registration


User Registration


Most real-world applications often utilize user-based features to provide a more personalized service to clients. These functionalities require the client to sign up on the app. With the Back4App platform and the ParseSwift SDK, you will be able to implement those features in your apps simply and quickly.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:


To implement a user registration feature on an iOS App using the ParseSwift SDK.

1 - Understanding the user registration flow

In order to integrate a signup option on an iOS app, it is necessary to create an object that conforms to the ParseUser protocol. This protocol implements the main required properties so that Back4App is able to store and manage login information. The following snippet shows how a user object can be implemented:


As it can be seen in the above snippet, ParseSwift allows us to have a very flexible implementation for a user object. Similar to the age field, we can add as many additional fields as needed.

Once we have the User object ready, the ParseUser protocol gives this object a set of methods to handle all the necessary user operations such as sign up, log in, log out, etc.

In the following step, we first take a look at how to implement a signup request.

2 - Creating a signup request

We start by adding the corresponding form where the user enters their account information. Let ViewController (a subclass of UIViewController) be the class where we implement the form. In the snippet below, we remark the key elements a basic signup form should have:


We leave the layout part to the developer. You can integrate and set up the visual components according to your needs.

Next, in the following step, we implement the signUp(username:email:password:) method.

3 - Implementing the signup function

The first step for signing up a user is to have an instance of a User object with its corresponding credentials. The username and the password fields are mandatory to register a new user, the remaining fields are optional. Therefore, a typical way to instantiate a User object would be:


Additionally, we should also provide the initial values for the custom fields, like the age field in our case.

The next step is to perform the signup action. The ParseUser protocol implements the method signup(...) that will allow us to send the signup request to the Back4App application. There are three types of implementations for signup(...). Depending on the use case, one should pick the appropriate one. Now, we can complete the signUp(username:email:password:) in ViewController:


Note:Registering a new user using thesignup(...)method automatically logs in the user, so there is no need for the user to log in again to continue using your app.

At any time during your app’s lifecycle, you can have access to the currently logged-in user from a static property implemented in the ParseUser protocol


In this repository you can find a simple user registration app that follows the steps we detailed above.


The Back4App platform together with the ParseSwift SDK offers a quick and staightforward way to integrate a signup flow onto your iOS apps. Furthermore, in the following guides, we will explore the remaining procedures like log in, log out, etc.

Updated 17 Jan 2025
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