On the top of the open source framework, Back4App offers a great set of features and capabilities. We are a fully hosted backend as a service platform and have hardened Parse, made it easier to use and allow you to scale your app without server hassles.
Live Query enables you to subscribe to a specific query, store and synchronize app data in real-time. The server notifies clients when objects matching this query are created, updated or deleted.
Import and Export JSON files using Parse Dashboard with a single click.
It is easier than ever to keep up to date with the latest Parse Server version and ensure full compatibility between app and server versions. A single click on the Change Version option enables server version upgrades or downgrades
Parse Command Line Tool can be used to perform various actions on your Parse app. It can be used to create new Parse apps, deploy Cloud Code to an app, view all releases, and more.
Migrate, build and host as many Apps as you want on your account