instanceType | family | instanceFamily | currentGeneration | vcpu | memory | memoryScale | storage | networkPerformance | enhancedNetworkingSupported | physicalProcessor | clockSpeed | clockSpeedScale | capacitystatus | clockSpeedStr | dedicatedEbsThroughput | ecu | intelAvx2Available | intelAvxAvailable | intelTurboAvailable | licenseModel | location | locationType | normalizationSizeFactor | operatingSystem | operation | preInstalledSw | prices | processorArchitecture | processorFeatures | servicecode | servicename | tenancy | terms |
m5a.2xlarge | m5a | General purpose | True | 8 | 32 | GiB | EBS only | Up to 10 Gigabit | True | AMD EPYC 7571 | 2 | GHz | UnusedCapacityReservation | 2.5 GHz | Up to 2120 Mbps | (null) | False | False | False | No License required | US East (N. Virginia) | AWS Region | 16 | RHEL | RunInstances:0010 | NA | View relation | 64-bit | ["AVX","AVX2","AMD Turbo"] | AmazonEC2 | Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud | Shared | View relation |