This dataset consists of all postal codes from Malta. All developers can use it with REST APIs and/or GraphQL. Source: Geonames.
Malta is a small but densely populated country. It is a Sovereign Island Nation which is located in the Mediterranean Sea.
The postal codes in Malta
The postal codes in Malta were introduced in 1991, and the codes have now changed a little bit. These postal codes were introduced and are now controlled by Malta Post.
Format of the postal codes in Malta
The postal codes used in Malta are of a total of 7 characters, and these are alpha-numeric codes that are used along with the address in Malta.
The old format of the postal codes in Malta
In the older times from 1991 to 2007, the postal codes came from 3 letters and 2 digits. These were written at the end of the locality's name. However, it went to a change in 2007.
A new format of the postal codes in Malta
The new postal codes introduced in 2007 have 7 characters. Here 3 letters are used for the representation of the locality. There are 4 digits as well, which tell about the exact address where the post has to be delivered. In some locations, the postal codes also start with 2 letters only.
The geography of Malta
It is a place that comprises 7 islands in total, out of which the largest three are inhabited. It is 288 km north of North Africa, 93 km south of Sicily, and it has an overall warm climate.
The postal codes of Malta are somewhat similar to those of the UK and Canada.
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