Start from ObjC Template
In this section you learn how to get started with an Xcode template and get ready to use Back4App in 3 easy steps.
To complete this quickstart, you need:
- Xcode.
- An app created at Back4App.
Download the template at Back4App’s GitHub repository, and unzip files in your project folder.
You can do that using the following command line:
$ curl -LOk && unzip
- Open Xcode.
- Click on File->Open.
- Navigate to the project folder and double click on QuickStartObjcExampleApp.xcworkspace.
- Wait for Xcode to open the project.
Update your App Delegate’s Parse Client Configuration values to set up the app’s credentials. Parse iOS SDK uses these settings to connect to the Back4App servers.
- Open your App Delegate file: .../QuickStartObjcExampleApp/AppDelegate.m
- Go to your App Dashboard at Back4App website.
- Navigate to app's settings: Click on Features > Core Settingsblock > Server.
- Return to your AppDelegate.swift file and paste your applicationId and clientKey.
See more at our New Parse App guide.
- Build your app in a device or simulator (Command+R).
- Wait until the Hello World! screen appears.
- Find your app and click on Dashboard.
- Click on Core.
- Go to Browser.
If everything works properly, you should find a class named Installation as follows:
At this point, you have learned how to get started with iOS apps.
Learn more by walking around our iOS Tutorials or check Parse open source documentation for iOS SDK.