React Native
Parse SDK (REST)
Cloud Functions



Using Cloud Function validators in a React Native App


In this guide, you will learn how to use the Parse Cloud Code function validators and context usage from a React Native App. You will see examples of validators implemented in cloud functions, how to use context between different functions, and also check how to implement a React Native component using these improved functions in Back4App.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:


Run Parse Cloud Code functions with validators and context usage on Back4App from a React Native App.

1 - Understanding Cloud Code Functions Validators

Using Cloud Code functions in your application enables great flexibility in your code, making it possible to detach reusable methods from your app and to better control their behavior. You can check or review how to use them in our Cloud functions starter guide.

Data sent to these cloud functions must be validated to avoid unexpected errors, and Parse Cloud Code (starting from version 4.4.0) offers complete integrated validators, that can be passed as an object or even another function. These tests are called before executing any code inside your function, so you can always assume that data will be valid if the validators accept it.

Take the following cloud function as an example, in which the average of a certain movie rating is calculated. The movie name is required(movie), so you can use the following object to ensure it is passed. If the movie parameter is not passed, the function will return an error containing the message “Validation failed. Please specify data for the movie.”.


You can also pass more advanced options to the validator, such as requiring that the user calling the function is authenticated using therequireUser flag. Another useful addition is to add a condition to validate a parameter value, such as the following, ensuring that the movie value is a string and at least 3 characters long.


The complete list of validation options can be seen on the Parse docs.

2 - Understanding Cloud Code Functions Context

When using Cloud Code (starting from version 4.3.0) save triggers in your application, you can pass a context dictionary in the method and also pass it from a beforeSave handler to an afterSave handler. This can be used to ensure data consistency or to perform any kind of asynchronous operation doable only after successfully saving your object.

Take the following cloud function trigger as an example, in which a Review object is saved and we want to differentiate whether the object save call was made from your application or the dashboard. This will be achieved by setting the context before saving the object in your app code like this:


Here are the save trigger functions, note that the context object can be directly accessed from the request in both of them:


3 - Using Validated Cloud Code from a React Native component

Let’s now use the same component example from the last guide as a base and add some changes to highlight the functions now using validators and context. Remember to deploy the cloud functions shown in Steps 1 and 2 and, after that, change the “Review” object creation function to the following, with the addition of the context argument in the save method:


To highlight the movie average calculation function validator, add a new function querying a movie called “Me” and add another button calling it. Remember that our validator will make the request fail because of the movie name length. Here is the new function code:


This is how the new full component code is laid out, note that there is a new line in the listing item’s title showing if the Review was created from the application or not:


This is how the component should look like after rendering and querying by one of the query functions:

Document image


At the end of this guide, you learned how to use Parse Cloud Code function validators and context. In the next guide, you will learn how to work with Users in Parse.

Updated 17 Jan 2025
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