
Complete Guide to Third-Party Authentication in Flutter with Parse on Back4App



Integrating third-party authentication methods like Facebook, Google, and Apple into your Flutter app can significantly enhance user experience by providing flexible and convenient login options. Parse Server, powered by Back4App, offers built-in support for these authentication providers. In this tutorial, you will learn how to implement third-party authentication in your Flutter app using the Parse SDK on Back4App.

By the end of this tutorial, you will have a Flutter app with fully functional signup and login features that include:

  1. Standard email/password authentication using Parse.
  2. Third-party authentication methods:
    • Facebook
    • Google
    • Apple


To follow along with this tutorial, you'll need the following:

  • A Back4App account. Sign up for a free account at Back4App.
  • A Flutter development environment installed on your machine. Follow this guide if you need help setting up Flutter.
  • Basic knowledge of Flutter and Dart. If you're new, check out Flutter's introduction.
  • Developer accounts for Facebook, Google, and Apple (required for setting up third-party login methods).
  • An IDE or text editor such as Visual Studio Code or Android Studio.

Step 1 – Setting Up Your Back4App Backend

1.1. Create a Back4App Project

  1. Log in to your Back4App dashboard.
  2. Click on "Create new App".
  3. Enter a name for your application, e.g., "AuthDemo", and click "Create".
  4. Once the project is created, navigate to App Settings > Security & Keys.
  5. Note down your Application ID and Client Key. You'll need these values to initialize Parse in your Flutter app.

1.2. Enable Authentication Providers

  1. In your Back4App dashboard, navigate to Server Settings > Authentication.
  2. Enable the authentication methods you intend to use:
    • Facebook
    • Google
    • Apple
  3. For each provider, you will need to input specific credentials (App IDs, Client IDs, Secrets, etc.), which will be set up in the upcoming steps.

Step 2 – Installing and Setting Up Parse SDK in Flutter

2.1. Create a New Flutter Project

Open your terminal and create a new Flutter project:


2.2. Add Dependencies

Open pubspec.yaml and add the following dependencies for Parse and third-party sign-in options:


Run flutter pub get to install the dependencies.

2.3. Initialize Parse in main.dart

In the lib/main.dart file, import the Parse SDK and initialize it in the main function:


  • Replace 'YOUR_APP_ID' and 'YOUR_CLIENT_KEY' with your actual Back4App credentials from Step 1.

Step 3 – Implementing Standard Authentication

3.1. Create the Authentication Service

Create a new directory called services under lib and add a file named auth_service.dart. This service will handle user registration and login using Parse.


3.2. Create the Authentication Screen

Create a new directory called screens under lib and add a file named auth_screen.dart. This screen will provide the UI for standard authentication.


Step 4 – Integrating Facebook Authentication

4.1. Set Up Facebook Developer Account

  1. Create a Facebook App:
    • Go to Facebook for Developers and log in.
    • Click on "My Apps" and then "Create App".
    • Select "Consumer" as the app type and click "Next".
    • Fill in the App Name and Contact Email, then click "Create App".
  2. Add Facebook Login to Your App:
    • In your app dashboard, navigate to "Add a Product" and select "Facebook Login".
    • Choose "Android" and/or "iOS" depending on your target platform.
    • Follow the setup steps provided by Facebook. You will need your app's Bundle Identifier for iOS and Package Name for Android.
  3. Configure OAuth Redirect URI:
    • Set the OAuth Redirect URI to:
  4. Obtain App ID and App Secret:
    • In your app dashboard, go to "Settings" > "Basic".
    • Note down the App ID and App Secret.
  5. Add App ID and Secret to Back4App:
    • In Back4App dashboard, navigate to Server Settings > Authentication.
    • Under Facebook, input your App ID and App Secret.

4.2. Update auth_service.dart with Facebook Login

Add the following code to handle Facebook authentication:


4.3. Add Facebook Login Button to auth_screen.dart

Add the following button to your UI:


4.4. Platform-Specific Configurations


  • Update your android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:

  • Add your Facebook App ID to android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml:


  • Update your Info.plist file:

Step 5 – Integrating Google Authentication

5.1. Set Up Google Developer Account

  1. Create a Project in Google Cloud Console:
  2. Configure OAuth Consent Screen:
    • Navigate to APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen.
    • Set up the consent screen with necessary scopes.
  3. Create OAuth Client ID:
    • Go to Credentials > Create Credentials > OAuth client ID.
    • Choose Web application.
    • Add Authorized redirect URIs:
    • Note down the Client ID and Client Secret.
  4. Add Client ID and Secret to Back4App:
    • In Back4App dashboard, under Server Settings > Authentication, input your Client ID and Client Secret for Google.

5.2. Update auth_service.dart with Google Login

Add the following code to handle Google authentication:


5.3. Add Google Login Button to auth_screen.dart

Add the following button to your UI:


5.4. Platform-Specific Configurations


  • Add the following to your android/app/build.gradle file:

  • Add your Google Client ID to android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml:

  • Update your android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:


  • Add the reversed client ID to your Info.plist:

Step 6 – Integrating Apple Authentication

6.1. Set Up Apple Developer Account

  1. Register Your App:
  2. Enable Sign in with Apple:
    • Under Identifiers, select your app and enable Sign in with Apple.
  3. Create a Services ID:
    • Create a Services ID for your app.
    • Set the Redirect URI to:
  4. Generate a Client Secret:
    • Create a Sign in with Apple private key.
    • Use this key to generate a Client Secret.
  5. Add Credentials to Back4App:
    • In Back4App dashboard, under Server Settings > Authentication, input your Services ID and Client Secret for Apple.

6.2. Update auth_service.dart with Apple Login

Add the following code to handle Apple authentication:


6.3. Add Apple Login Button to auth_screen.dart

Add the following button to your UI:


6.4. Platform-Specific Configurations

iOS Only

  • In Xcode, open your project and go to Signing & Capabilities.
  • Click on "+ Capability" and add "Sign in with Apple".
  • Ensure that your Bundle Identifier matches the one registered on the Apple Developer Portal.

Step 7 – Testing Your Application

Now that you've set up all authentication methods, you can run your app and test each login option.

7.1. Run the App


  • For iOS, you must run the app on a real device to test Sign in with Apple.
  • For Android, you can use an emulator or a physical device.

7.2. Test Standard Authentication

  • Enter a username, email, and password.
  • Tap "Sign Up" to create a new user.
  • Tap "Login" to log in with the created credentials.

7.3. Test Facebook Login

  • Tap "Login with Facebook".
  • A Facebook login screen will appear.
  • Log in with your Facebook credentials.

7.4. Test Google Login

  • Tap "Login with Google".
  • A Google sign-in screen will appear.
  • Log in with your Google account.

7.5. Test Apple Login (iOS Only)

  • Tap "Login with Apple".
  • The Apple sign-in prompt will appear.
  • Authenticate using your Apple ID.


In this tutorial, you successfully implemented standard email/password authentication and integrated third-party authentication methods (Facebook, Google, and Apple) into your Flutter app using the Parse SDK on Back4App. This setup enhances user experience by offering multiple convenient login options.

Next Steps

  • User Profiles: Extend the app to manage user profiles, allowing users to update their information.
  • Logout Functionality: Implement logout features for each authentication method.
  • Data Security: Secure your data by implementing role-based access control with Parse ACLs and Roles.
  • Error Handling: Improve error handling to provide more detailed feedback to users.
  • UI Enhancements: Customize the UI to match your app's branding and improve user experience.

Additional Resources

Happy Coding!