How to Create Home Screen Widgets in Flutter with HomeWidget and Back4App
Home screen widgets allow users to access real-time information from your app directly on their device's home screen without opening the app. With Flutter, creating these widgets requires some platform-specific code. However, the home_widget package bridges this gap by enabling data exchange between your Flutter app and the home screen widgets using Dart code.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a home screen widget in Flutter using the home_widget package and integrate it with Back4App—a backend-as-a-service powered by Parse Server. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a Flutter app that displays data from Back4App in a home screen widget.
To complete this tutorial, you will need:
- Flutter SDK installed on your machine. You can follow the official Flutter installation guide for your operating system.
- Basic knowledge of Flutter and Dart. If you're new to Flutter, consider reviewing the Flutter documentation to familiarize yourself with the basics.
- An IDE or text editor such as Visual Studio Code or Android Studio.
- Parse Server SDK for Flutter added to your project. You can learn how to set it up by following the Back4App Flutter SDK Guide.
- Platform-specific setup for Android and iOS home screen widgets.
Open your terminal and run:
Navigate to the project directory:
Open pubspec.yaml and add the following dependencies:
Run flutter pub get to install the packages.
- Click on "Create new App".
- Enter a name for your application, e.g., "HomeWidgetApp", and click "Create".
- In your application dashboard, navigate to the "Database" section.
- Click on "Create a class".
- In the modal:
- Select "Custom".
- Enter "Message" as the class name.
- Click "Create class".
- In the "Message" class, click on "+" to add a new column.
- Add the following columns:
- title: Type String
- content: Type String
- Add some sample data to the "Message" class. For example:
- Navigate to App Settings > Security & Keys.
- Note down your Application ID and Client Key.
Open lib/main.dart and modify it as follows:
- Replace 'YOUR_APPLICATION_ID' and 'YOUR_CLIENT_KEY' with your actual Back4App credentials.
Create a new file lib/home_page.dart:
- Message Class: A simple model class to hold the message data.
- fetchMessage(): Fetches data from the Message class in Back4App and updates the message variable.
- updateHomeWidget(): Saves the fetched data to the home screen widget using HomeWidget.saveWidgetData and triggers an update using HomeWidget.updateWidget.
- build(): Displays the message data and a button to refresh the message.
Create a new XML layout file in android/app/src/main/res/layout/ named home_widget.xml:
Create a new Java class in android/app/src/main/java/your/package/name/ named
Replace with your actual package name.
Add the widget provider to your AndroidManifest.xml:
Create a new XML file in android/app/src/main/res/xml/ named home_widget_info.xml:
- Open your Flutter project in Xcode by opening ios/Runner.xcworkspace.
- Click File > New > Target.
- Choose Widget Extension and click Next.
- Enter HomeWidget as the product name and ensure Include Configuration Intent is unchecked.
- Click Finish and Activate the scheme.
In the HomeWidget extension, open HomeWidget.swift and modify it:
- Replace YOUR_GROUP_ID with your App Group identifier (e.g.,
- In Xcode, select your project and go to Signing & Capabilities.
- Add "App Groups" to both your main app target and the widget extension.
- Create a new App Group (e.g.,
- Ensure both targets have the same App Group enabled.
In your updateHomeWidget() method in home_page.dart, update the widget names:
In your terminal, run:
- Long-press on the home screen and select "Widgets".
- Find your app in the widget list.
- Drag and drop the widget onto your home screen.
- Enter jiggle mode by long-pressing on the home screen.
- Tap the "+" button in the top-left corner.
- Search for your widget by name.
- Add the widget to your home screen.
- Tap the "Refresh Message" button in your app to fetch new data from Back4App.
- The widget on your home screen should update with the new data.
In this tutorial, you learned how to create a home screen widget in Flutter using the home_widget package and integrated it with Back4App to display dynamic data. This allows you to provide users with up-to-date information right on their home screens, enhancing engagement and user experience.
- Dynamic Data: Implement real-time data updates using Back4App's Live Queries.
- Interactivity: Add click actions to your widget to open specific pages in your app.
- Customization: Style your widget to match your app's theme and design.
Happy Coding!