Meeting Room Booking App Tutorial with Back4App, Next.js and Vercel
In this tutorial, you will build Bookit, a meeting room booking system using Next.js as the frontend framework and Back4App as the backend service. You will implement user authentication, room management, and booking functionality, and deploy the app on Vercel.
To complete this tutorial, you will need:
- Log in to your Back4App account and navigate to your project dashboard.
- In the left sidebar, click Database to access the Data Browser.
- You will need to create the following classes to model the data:
By default, Parse handles user authentication, so no need to create this class manually. Parse automatically manages the following fields for you:
- email: Email address for login
- password: Password (hashed)
- username: Optional username
- In the Data Browser, click Create a Class, select Custom, and name the class Room.
- Add the following columns:
Column Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Room name |
description | String | Room description |
capacity | Number | Number of people the room can hold |
amenities | Array | List of amenities (TV, WiFi, etc.) |
price | Number | Price per hour |
image | File | Image URL |
owner | Pointer | Points to the User class |
- Create another custom class named Booking.
- Add the following columns:
Column Name | Type | Description |
room | Pointer | Points to the Room class |
user | Pointer | Points to the User class |
checkIn | Date | Start date/time of the booking |
checkOut | Date | End date/time of the booking |
- Create a new Next.js project:
- Install Parse JS SDK:
- In the pages/_app.js file, initialize Parse with your Back4App credentials:
Replace 'YOUR_APP_ID' and 'YOUR_JAVASCRIPT_KEY' with your Back4App app credentials.
Create a new page pages/signup.js with a registration form:
Create pages/login.js for user login:
For protected routes, you can use Next.js API routes and check if the user is authenticated:
Create pages/index.js to list available rooms:
Create pages/add-room.js for adding new rooms (for authorized users):
Create pages/rooms/[id].js to view detailed information about a room:
Add booking functionality in pages/rooms/[id].js by adding a booking form:
Create pages/my-bookings.js to view and cancel bookings:
- Install the Vercel CLI:
- Deploy your Next.js app with:
Follow the prompts to deploy your app to Vercel. Once deployed, your app will be live on a public URL.
In this tutorial, you built a Bookit app with Next.js for the frontend and Back4App as the backend. You implemented user authentication, room management, and booking functionality. Finally, you deployed the app on Vercel. You can now expand the app with additional features like search, payment integration, or notifications.