How to Build an AI Email Responder App with Flutter and Back4App
In this tutorial, you will build an AI-powered email responder app using Flutter for the frontend and Back4App for the backend. The app will integrate with email services like Gmail or Outlook, analyze incoming emails using AI models (such as OpenAI's GPT-3), and generate personalized responses. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a functional app that can manage emails, generate automated responses, and allow users to personalize their email interactions.
This app leverages the power of Back4App's Parse Server to handle user authentication, data storage, and cloud functions, providing a scalable backend solution without the need to manage server infrastructure. Integrating AI capabilities and email services will enhance your Flutter development skills and provide a foundation for building advanced, data-driven applications.
To complete this tutorial, you will need:
- Flutter SDK installed on your local machine. Follow the official Flutter installation guide for your operating system.
- Basic knowledge of Dart and Flutter development. If you're new to Flutter, consider reviewing the Flutter documentation before proceeding.
- Familiarity with REST APIs and asynchronous programming in Dart.
- An account with an AI service provider (e.g., OpenAI). Sign up for an API key to access AI models.
- An email account (Gmail or Outlook) for integration testing.
In this step, you will create a new Back4App application, set up your data classes, and configure the backend to work with your Flutter app.
- Click on "Create new App".
- Enter an App Name (e.g., "AI Email Responder") and select your App Icon.
- Choose your server location if prompted.
- Click "Create".
- In your app's dashboard, navigate to App Settings > Security & Keys.
- Note down the Application ID and Client Key. You will need these for your Flutter app configuration.
We will create the following classes in Back4App:
- User (default)
- EmailAccount
- EmailTemplate
- ResponseHistory
1.3.1. Create the EmailAccount Class
- Go to Database > Browser.
- Click "Create a class".
- Choose "Custom" and name it EmailAccount.
- Click "Create class".
Add the following columns to EmailAccount:
- user (Pointer<_User>): Points to the User object.
- emailAddress (String)
- accountType (String): e.g., Gmail, Outlook.
- authToken (String): Will store encrypted tokens.
1.3.2. Create the EmailTemplate Class
- Repeat the steps to create a new class named EmailTemplate.
Add the following columns to EmailTemplate:
- user (Pointer<_User>)
- templateName (String)
- templateContent (String)
- templateType (String): e.g., formal, casual, follow-up.
1.3.3. Create the ResponseHistory Class
- Create a new class named ResponseHistory.
Add the following columns to ResponseHistory:
- user (Pointer<_User>)
- originalEmailSummary (String)
- generatedResponse (String)
- userEditedResponse (String)
- timeSaved (Number)
Ensure that only authenticated users can access their data:
- In each class, go to the Security section.
- Set Class-Level Permissions (CLP) to allow read/write access only to authenticated users.
In this step, you will set up your Flutter project and configure it to connect to Back4App.
Open your terminal and run:
Navigate to the project directory:
Open pubspec.yaml and add the following dependencies:
Run flutter pub get to install the packages.
Create a new file lib/config/back4app_config.dart:
Replace 'YOUR_APPLICATION_ID' and 'YOUR_CLIENT_KEY' with the keys from Back4App.
In lib/main.dart, initialize Parse:
Create lib/app.dart:
You will now implement user registration and login using Parse Server.
Create lib/screens/login_screen.dart and lib/screens/signup_screen.dart. For brevity, we'll focus on the login functionality.
Modify lib/app.dart to direct users to the login screen if they are not authenticated.
In this step, you will set up the email integration using the flutter_email_sender package.
Add necessary permissions to your Android and iOS configurations.
For Android, update android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:
For iOS, ensure that your Info.plist includes:
Create lib/services/email_service.dart:
Email fetching from providers like Gmail requires OAuth and API integration, which can be complex. For this tutorial, we will simulate email fetching.
Create lib/models/email.dart:
Create lib/services/email_service.dart (update with dummy data):
You will now set up the AI integration to generate email responses.
Install the http package (already added).
Create lib/services/ai_service.dart:
Note: Replace 'YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY' with your actual API key.
Create lib/widgets/response_editor.dart:
In lib/screens/email_detail_screen.dart, integrate the AI service.
You will now implement email template management using Back4App.
Create lib/models/email_template.dart:
Create lib/services/template_service.dart:
Create lib/screens/template_management_screen.dart:
You will now save the AI-generated responses and user edits to Back4App for analytics.
Create lib/models/response_history.dart:
Update lib/screens/email_detail_screen.dart in the sendResponse method:
You will now implement a basic analytics dashboard using fl_chart.
Create lib/services/analytics_service.dart:
Create lib/screens/analytics_screen.dart:
You will now add offline capabilities to your app using Parse's local data store.
In lib/main.dart, enable the local datastore:
In your models (e.g., ResponseHistory), add methods to pin and unpin objects:
Create lib/utils/offline_manager.dart:
In your email fetching logic, check for connectivity and use cached data if offline.
In this tutorial, you built an AI Email Responder app using Flutter and Back4App. You:
- Set up a Back4App backend with necessary data models and security configurations.
- Initialized a Flutter project and connected it to Back4App.
- Implemented user authentication with Parse Server.
- Integrated email sending and simulated email fetching.
- Integrated AI services to generate email responses.
- Managed email templates and stored them in Back4App.
- Tracked response history for analytics.
- Added basic analytics using fl_chart.
- Implemented offline support using Parse's local data store.
This app provides a foundation for building more advanced features, such as real email integration with OAuth, advanced AI capabilities, and improved UI/UX design.
- Email Integration: Implement real email fetching using Gmail or Outlook APIs with OAuth authentication.
- Enhanced AI Features: Fine-tune AI prompts for better responses and implement personalization based on user data.
- UI/UX Improvements: Enhance the app's interface for better user experience.
- Testing and Deployment: Write unit and integration tests and prepare the app for deployment to app stores.
- Security Enhancements: Encrypt sensitive data and implement robust error handling and input validation.
For more information on using Back4App with Flutter, refer to the Back4App Flutter Guide.