Flutter Templates

How to Build an AR Language Immersion App with Flutter and Back4App



In this tutorial, you will build an Augmented Reality (AR) Language Immersion app using Flutter and Back4App. The app leverages AR technology to recognize objects through the device's camera, overlay translations, provide cultural information, and track user progress. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a functional app that helps users learn new languages in real-world contexts.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

Step 1 – Setting Up the Flutter Project

First, set up a new Flutter project where you will develop the AR Language Immersion app.

1.1. Create a New Flutter Project

Open your terminal and run the following command:


This command creates a new Flutter project named ar_language_immersion_app.

1.2. Open the Project in Your IDE

Navigate to the project directory and open it in your preferred IDE (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Android Studio):


Step 2 – Configuring Back4App Backend

Set up your backend on Back4App to handle user data, translations, cultural information, and user progress tracking.

2.1. Create a New Application on Back4App

  1. Log in to your Back4App account.
  2. Click on "Create new App".
  3. Enter "AR Language Immersion App" as the app name.
  4. Click "Create".

2.2. Setting Up the Data Model

Define the classes as per the data model:

  • User
  • RecognizableObject
  • Translation
  • CulturalInfo
  • UserProgress

2.2.1. Create the User Class

The User class is a default class in Back4App for handling user authentication.

  1. Navigate to Core > Browser in your Back4App dashboard.
  2. You will see the _User class already available.

2.2.2. Create the RecognizableObject Class

  1. Click on "Create a class".
  2. Choose "Custom" and name it "RecognizableObject".
  3. Click "Create class".

Add the following columns:

  • Name (String)
  • Category (String)
  • ImageReference (File)

2.2.3. Create the Translation Class

  1. Create another class named "Translation".
  2. Add the following columns:
  • objectId (String) [Default]
  • ObjectID (Pointer to RecognizableObject)
  • LanguageCode (String)
  • TranslatedText (String)
  • PronunciationGuide (String)
  • AudioFileReference (File)

2.2.4. Create the CulturalInfo Class

  1. Create a class named "CulturalInfo".
  2. Add the following columns:
  • ObjectID (Pointer to RecognizableObject)
  • LanguageCode (String)
  • ShortDescription (String)
  • DetailedInformation (String)
  • RelatedMediaReferences (Array of Files)

2.2.5. Create the UserProgress Class

  1. Create a class named "UserProgress".
  2. Add the following columns:
  • UserID (Pointer to User)
  • RecognizedObjects (Array of RecognizableObject IDs)
  • TranslationsViewed (Array of Translation IDs)
  • CulturalInfoAccessed (Array of CulturalInfo IDs)
  • LearningStreaks (Number)
  • ProficiencyScores (Dictionary)

2.3. Retrieve Application Keys

  1. Go to App Settings > Security & Keys.
  2. Note down your Application ID and Client Key; you will need them to initialize Parse in your Flutter app.

Step 3 – Integrating Parse SDK into Flutter

Integrate the Parse SDK provided by Back4App into your Flutter project to communicate with the backend.

3.1. Add Dependencies

Open pubspec.yaml and add the following dependencies:


Run the command:


Note: Since there's no official AR plugin called augmented_reality_plugin, you might need to use plugins like arcore_flutter_plugin for Android and arkit_plugin for iOS. Adjust accordingly based on your target platforms.

3.2. Initialize Parse in Your App

In lib/main.dart, initialize Parse during app startup:


Replace 'YOUR_APPLICATION_ID' and 'YOUR_CLIENT_KEY' with the keys you obtained from Back4App.

Step 4 – Implementing User Authentication

Implement user registration and login functionalities.

4.1. Create Authentication Screen

Create a new file lib/screens/auth_screen.dart.


4.2. Update main.dart to Include Routes

In lib/main.dart, update your MaterialApp to include routes:


Step 5 – Implementing AR Object Recognition

Set up the AR functionality to recognize objects using the device's camera.

5.1. Set Up Permissions

For both Android and iOS, you need to request camera permissions.


In android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml, add:



In ios/Runner/Info.plist, add:


5.2. Implement AR View

Create a new file lib/screens/ar_view_screen.dart.


Note: Implementing full AR object recognition is complex and may require integrating with machine learning models like TensorFlow Lite or using platforms like Google's ML Kit. For this tutorial, we will simulate object recognition.

5.3. Simulate Object Recognition

For demonstration purposes, we'll simulate object recognition by displaying predefined objects.

Update ar_view_screen.dart:


Step 6 – Displaying Translation Overlays

Fetch translations from Back4App and display them as overlays.

6.1. Fetch Translation Data

In ar_view_screen.dart, add a method to fetch translations:


6.2. Update UI to Show Translation

Modify the build method:


Step 7 – Providing Cultural Information

Fetch and display cultural information related to the recognized object.

7.1. Fetch Cultural Information

Add a method in ar_view_screen.dart:


7.2. Update UI to Show Cultural Information

Modify the build method:


Step 8 – Tracking User Progress

Update the user's progress each time they view a translation or cultural information.

8.1. Update UserProgress in Back4App

Add a method to update progress:


8.2. Call updateUserProgress When an Object Is Recognized

In setState where selectedObject is updated:


Step 9 – Implementing Offline Mode

Ensure the app can function without an internet connection for core features.

9.1. Cache Data Locally

Use a local database like sqflite or hive to store translations and cultural information.

Add hive dependency in pubspec.yaml:


Initialize Hive in main.dart:


9.2. Modify Data Fetch Methods to Use Cache

Update getTranslation method:


Repeat similar steps for getCulturalInfo.

Step 10 – Testing and Deployment

Test the app thoroughly and prepare it for deployment.

10.1. Test on Physical Devices

Since AR functionalities require camera access, test the app on real devices.

10.2. Optimize Performance

  • Use efficient data structures.
  • Minimize unnecessary re-renders in the UI.
  • Optimize image and media assets.

10.3. Prepare for Deployment

  • Update app icons and splash screens.
  • Configure app permissions.
  • Build release versions for Android and iOS.

Refer to Flutter's official documentation on building and releasing for more details.


Congratulations! You have built an AR Language Immersion app using Flutter and Back4App. The app recognizes objects, displays translations and cultural information, tracks user progress, and works offline. You can enhance the app further by integrating real AR object recognition, adding more languages, and improving the UI/UX.

For more information on advanced features, consider exploring:

  • Integrating Machine Learning Models: Use TensorFlow Lite for on-device object recognition.
  • Enhancing AR Capabilities: Utilize plugins like arcore_flutter_plugin or arkit_plugin for richer AR experiences.
  • Implementing Text-to-Speech: Add speech synthesis for pronunciation guides using packages like flutter_tts.
  • Improving User Authentication: Implement social logins or two-factor authentication.

By building this app, you've gained experience in Flutter development, backend integration with Back4App, and essential features like offline data caching and user progress tracking. Keep exploring and enhancing your app to create an even more engaging language learning experience.