NextJS Templates

Invoicing App Tutorial with Next.js, Vercel & Back4app


In this tutorial, we will build a complete Invoicing App using Next.js as the frontend, Back4App as the backend, and additional services like Clerk for authentication, Stripe for payments, and Resend for email notifications. This guide will walk through setting up authentication, invoice management, payment processing, and deployment on Vercel.

1. Prerequisites

Before starting, ensure you have the following:

2. Setting Up the Backend (Back4App)

2.1 Create a New Project in Back4App

  1. Log in to Back4App and create a new project.
  2. Navigate to the Data Browser and create the following classes:

2.2 Data Models (Classes)

2.2.1 User (Automatically handled by Clerk)

  • objectId
  • username
  • email

2.2.2 Organization

  1. Create a class called Organization.
  2. Add the following columns:
    • name (String): The name of the organization.
    • ownerId (Pointer<_User>): Points to the User class (created automatically by Clerk).
    • members (Array<Pointer<_User>>): An array of users who belong to this organization.

2.2.3 Customer

  1. Create a class called Customer.
  2. Add these columns:
    • name (String): Customer's name.
    • email (String): Customer's email.
    • organizationId (Pointer): Organization to which this customer belongs.

2.2.4 Invoice

  1. Create a class called Invoice.
  2. Add these columns:
    • invoiceNumber (String): Unique invoice identifier.
    • customerId (Pointer): Links to the customer.
    • organizationId (Pointer): Links to the organization.
    • amount (Number): Total amount for the invoice.
    • status (String): Options include 'draft', 'sent', 'paid', and 'overdue'.
    • dueDate (Date): The invoice due date.
    • items (Array): The list of items in the invoice.

2.2.5 Payment

  1. Create a class called Payment.
  2. Add these columns:
    • invoiceId (Pointer): Links to the related invoice.
    • amount (Number): Payment amount.
    • stripeSessionId (String): The ID of the Stripe session.
    • status (String): Payment status (e.g., 'pending', 'successful', 'failed').

3. Setting Up the Frontend (Next.js)

3.1 Create a Next.js Project

Start by setting up your Next.js project with TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and shadcn/ui components.


3.2 Set Up Tailwind CSS

Configure Tailwind by updating the tailwind.config.js and adding the styles to globals.css.

In tailwind.config.js:


In styles/globals.css:


3.3 Install Parse SDK and Additional Services

Install the necessary dependencies for Parse, Clerk, Stripe, and Resend.


3.4 Initialize Parse SDK in Next.js

In pages/_app.tsx, initialize the Parse SDK with your Back4App credentials:


Replace 'YOUR_APP_ID' and 'YOUR_JAVASCRIPT_KEY' with your Back4App credentials.

4. Implementing User Authentication

4.1 Clerk Integration for Authentication

Set up Clerk for authentication. Go to Clerk's dashboard, create an application, and grab your API keys. Update your .env.local file with Clerk keys.


Now create pages/sign-in.tsx and pages/sign-up.tsx for sign-in and sign-up functionality using Clerk components.

In pages/sign-in.tsx:


In pages/sign-up.tsx:


5. Organization and Customer Management

5.1 Create Organizations

Users can create organizations that they own. Create a page pages/organizations/new.tsx for creating new organizations.


5.2 Managing Customers

Create a customer management page pages/customers/new.tsx for adding new customers.


6. Invoice Management

6.1 Create Invoices

Create an invoice creation page pages/invoices/new.tsx for generating new invoices.


6.2 Viewing Invoices

Create a page pages/invoices/index.tsx to view all invoices with sorting and filtering options.


7. Payment Processing (Stripe Integration)

7.1 Set Up Stripe Checkout

To process payments, integrate Stripe. In pages/invoices/[id].tsx, implement the payment link creation using Stripe Checkout.


8. Email Notifications (Resend Integration)

8.1 Sending Invoice Emails

Set up Resend to send invoice emails to clients.


9. Deployment on Vercel

To deploy the app on Vercel, install the Vercel CLI and deploy.


Configure environment variables for Clerk, Stripe, Resend, and Back4App in the Vercel dashboard before deployment.

10. Conclusion

In this tutorial, we built a complete Invoicing App with Next.js, integrated Back4App for the backend, Clerk for authentication, Stripe for payments, and Resend for email notifications. We covered user and organization management, invoice creation, payment processing, and deployment.