Building a Sustainable Game Using Flutter and Back4app
In this tutorial, we’ll walk through how to build a sustainable game using Flutter and Back4app. This game will educate users on eco-friendly behaviors and reward them for taking positive actions for the environment. We'll leverage Back4app for backend services, such as tracking users' progress and rewarding them with digital items.
The game will be called EcoWarrior, where users take on small environmental tasks like recycling, saving water, and reducing energy consumption. Users will earn points and digital rewards as they complete tasks. We'll focus on:
- Task logging and progress tracking: Users log the eco-friendly actions they take.
- Reward system: Players earn points and badges for their contributions.
- Backend integration: All user data and progress will be stored in Back4app.
- Basic knowledge of Flutter widgets and how to work with a backend.
- Create a Parse Class called EcoActions with the following fields:
- username (String): The username of the player.
- actionType (String): The type of action (e.g., "Recycling", "Water Conservation").
- points (Number): The points awarded for the action.
- timestamp (DateTime): The time when the action was logged.
Go to your Back4app project’s settings and get your Application ID and Client Key. These will be used to initialize Back4app in Flutter.
Open pubspec.yaml and add the following dependencies for Parse SDK and Flutter:
Run flutter pub get to install the dependencies.
In lib/main.dart, initialize Parse by adding your Back4app credentials:
Replace YOUR_BACK4APP_APP_ID and YOUR_BACK4APP_CLIENT_KEY with your actual Back4app credentials.
Now we will build the UI of the EcoWarrior game and integrate with Back4app.
In lib/game_screen.dart, create a basic game interface where players can log environmental tasks and view their score.
We will retrieve and display the total score and actions the user has logged.
To get the player’s score, we need to fetch all their actions from Back4app and calculate the total score.
In lib/game_screen.dart, update _GameScreenState to include the fetching logic:
Call _fetchScore() when the screen is initialized:
- Run the app on your device or emulator:
- The player will select an action from the dropdown, log it, and their points will be saved to Back4app.
- The total score will be fetched from Back4app and displayed on the screen.
You can expand the EcoWarrior game by:
- Adding more environmental tasks and actions.
- Implementing a leaderboard to show the top eco-friendly players.
- Adding achievements for completing a certain number of tasks.
In this tutorial, we built a sustainable game using Flutter and Back4app. The game allows players to log eco-friendly actions, tracks their progress using a backend, and rewards them with points. With Flutter’s rich UI framework and Back4app’s scalable backend, you can easily extend this concept to build more complex and interactive sustainable games.
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