
Building a Drag-and-Drop Flutter App with Draggable Widgets and Back4App



Interactive drag-and-drop interfaces enhance user experience by allowing users to manipulate UI elements intuitively. Flutter provides the Draggable and DragTarget widgets to create such interactions. In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a Flutter application that uses Draggable widgets to move items between lists, with data persistence using Back4App—a backend-as-a-service powered by Parse Server.

By the end of this tutorial, you will have a functional Flutter app where users can drag items from one list to another, and the changes will be stored and retrieved from Back4App. This tutorial is suitable for Flutter developers of all experience levels.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  • Flutter SDK installed on your machine. Follow the official Flutter installation guide for your operating system.
  • Basic knowledge of Flutter and Dart. If you're new to Flutter, review the Flutter documentation to familiarize yourself with the basics.
  • An IDE or text editor such as Visual Studio Code or Android Studio.
  • A Back4App account. Sign up for a free account at Back4App.
  • Parse Server SDK for Flutter added to your project. Learn how to set it up by following the Back4App Flutter SDK Guide.


We will build a task management app where tasks can be dragged from a "To Do" list to a "Completed" list and vice versa. The app will:

  • Use Draggable widgets to enable dragging of tasks.
  • Use DragTarget widgets to define drop zones.
  • Store and retrieve tasks from Back4App to persist data.

Step 1 – Setting Up the Flutter Project

1.1. Create a New Flutter Project

Open your terminal and run:


Navigate to the project directory:


1.2. Add Dependencies

Open pubspec.yaml and add the following dependencies:


Run flutter pub get to install the packages.

Step 2 – Setting Up Back4App

2.1. Create a New Back4App Application

  1. Log in to your Back4App dashboard.
  2. Click on "Create new App".
  3. Enter a name for your application, e.g., "DragDropApp", and click "Create".

2.2. Set Up the Data Model

  1. In your application dashboard, navigate to the "Database" section.
  2. Click on "Create a class".
  3. In the modal:
    • Select "Custom".
    • Enter "Task" as the class name.
    • Click "Create class".

2.3. Add Columns to the Class

  1. In the "Task" class, click on "+" to add new columns.
  2. Add the following columns:
    • title: Type String
    • status: Type String
  3. Add some sample data to the "Task" class. For example:

2.4. Obtain Application Credentials

  1. Navigate to App Settings > Security & Keys.
  2. Note down your Application ID and Client Key.

Step 3 – Initializing Parse in Your Flutter App

Open lib/main.dart and modify it as follows:


  • Replace 'YOUR_APPLICATION_ID' and 'YOUR_CLIENT_KEY' with your actual Back4App credentials.

Step 4 – Creating the Task Model

Create a new directory called models under lib and add a file named task.dart:


Step 5 – Fetching Tasks from Back4App

Create a new directory called services under lib and add a file named task_service.dart:


Step 6 – Building the UI with Draggable and DragTarget

Create a new directory called screens under lib and add a file named home_page.dart:



  • HomePage: The main screen that displays two columns—"To Do" and "Completed" tasks.
  • TaskColumn: A widget that displays tasks and acts as a DragTarget for Draggable tasks.
  • TaskCard: A widget to display individual task information.

Step 7 – Running the App

7.1. Run the App

In your terminal, run:


7.2. Test Drag and Drop Functionality

  • Drag a task from the "To Do" column and drop it into the "Completed" column.
  • The task's status should update, and it should appear under "Completed".
  • The change persists in Back4App; if you restart the app, the task remains in its new status.


In this tutorial, you learned how to implement drag-and-drop functionality in a Flutter application using Draggable and DragTarget widgets. You integrated Back4App to store and retrieve task data, allowing for data persistence across sessions. This interactive app demonstrates how to enhance user experience with intuitive UI elements and a scalable backend.

Key Takeaways

  • Draggable Widgets: Enable users to drag UI elements.
  • DragTarget Widgets: Define drop zones for draggable items.
  • Back4App Integration: Provides a backend to store and manage data.

Next Steps

  • Add Authentication: Implement user authentication to have personalized task lists.
  • Enhance UI/UX: Add animations, custom icons, and improved layouts.
  • Real-Time Updates: Use Back4App's Live Queries to update tasks in real-time across multiple devices.
  • Error Handling: Implement error handling for network issues and data conflicts.

Additional Resources

Happy Coding!