How to Build an Event Booking App with Flutter and Back4App
In today's fast-paced world, managing events and bookings through mobile applications has become increasingly essential. An Event Booking App allows users to browse upcoming events, book tickets, select seats, and manage their bookings seamlessly. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a complete Event Booking App using Flutter for the frontend and Back4App as the backend service.
By the end of this tutorial, you will have built a functional app that:
- Displays a list of events with details.
- Allows users to view event schedules and venue information.
- Enables ticket booking with seat selection.
- Processes payments securely (integration with a payment gateway).
- Manages user profiles, including booking history and preferences.
Let's get started!
To complete this tutorial, you will need:
- Basic knowledge of Dart and Flutter. If you're new to Flutter, consider going through Flutter's introductory tutorial.
- Back4App Flutter SDK integrated into your project. You can learn how to set it up by following the Back4App Flutter Guide.
- A code editor like Visual Studio Code or Android Studio.
- Node.js and npm installed for running Back4App cloud functions. Install them from the official Node.js website.
In this step, you will set up your Back4App project, create the necessary classes (tables), and configure the backend to store event data, ticket information, and user profiles.
- Log in to your Back4App account.
- Click on "Create new App".
- Enter an App Name (e.g., "EventBookingApp") and select your App Icon.
- Click "Create".
- Navigate to your app's Dashboard.
- Click on "App Settings" > "Security & Keys".
- Note down the Application ID and Client Key. You will need these to initialize the Parse SDK in your Flutter app.
You need to create the following classes in Back4App:
- Event: Stores event details.
- Venue: Stores venue information.
- Ticket: Manages ticket availability and bookings.
- User: Manages user profiles (default class).
Create the Event Class
- In the left sidebar, click on "Database" to open the Data Browser.
- Click on "Create a class".
- Select "Custom", enter "Event" as the class name, and click "Create class".
- Add the following columns to the Event class:
- name (String)
- description (String)
- date (Date)
- image (File)
- venue (Pointer to Venue)
- price (Number)
Create the Venue Class
- Repeat the steps to create a new class named "Venue".
- Add the following columns:
- name (String)
- address (String)
- capacity (Number)
- seatingChart (File)
Create the Ticket Class
- Create a new class named "Ticket".
- Add the following columns:
- event (Pointer to Event)
- user (Pointer to User)
- seatNumber (String)
- price (Number)
- isBooked (Boolean)
- In the left sidebar, click on "Server Settings" > "General Settings".
- Under "Authentication", ensure that "Enable Class Level Permissions" is checked.
- Configure the User class permissions to allow users to sign up and log in.
For payment integration, you might need to write cloud functions. This step will depend on the payment gateway you choose (e.g., Stripe, PayPal). Refer to Back4App's documentation on Cloud Code Functions.
In this step, you will set up the Flutter project and integrate the Back4App Parse SDK.
Open your terminal and run:
Navigate to the project directory:
Open pubspec.yaml and add the following dependencies:
Run flutter pub get to install the packages.
In lib/main.dart, import the necessary packages and initialize Parse:
Replace 'YOUR_BACK4APP_APPLICATION_ID' and 'YOUR_BACK4APP_CLIENT_KEY' with your actual keys from Back4App.
Users need to sign up and log in to book events and manage their profiles.
Create two new Dart files in lib/:
- login_screen.dart
- signup_screen.dart
Create a home_screen.dart file where authenticated users are redirected.
Fetch events from Back4App and display them in a list.
Create a Dart class event.dart in lib/models/.
In home_screen.dart, fetch events and display them.
Create event_details_screen.dart.
Allow users to select seats before booking.
Create seat_selection_screen.dart.
Integrate a payment gateway to process ticket payments securely.
For this tutorial, we will assume the use of Stripe.
- Obtain your Publishable Key and Secret Key.
Add stripe_payment package to your pubspec.yaml:
Run flutter pub get.
Create payment_screen.dart.
Note: Payment processing requires secure handling of sensitive data. In a production app, you should process payments securely using your own server or cloud functions.
Allow users to view and manage their bookings and preferences.
Create profile_screen.dart.
In your home_screen.dart or main navigation drawer, add a link to the Profile Screen.
Run your app using:
Test the following functionalities:
- Sign up and log in.
- View the list of events.
- View event details.
- Select seats and proceed to payment.
- Process a payment (test mode if possible).
- View bookings in the profile.
Congratulations! You have built a complete Event Booking App using Flutter and Back4App. This app allows users to browse events, book tickets with seat selection, process payments, and manage their profiles and bookings.
From here, you can enhance your app by:
- Adding push notifications for event reminders.
- Implementing search and filtering for events.
- Enhancing the UI/UX with better design and animations.
- Securing payment processing with server-side validation.
For more information on Flutter and Back4App features, check out:
By integrating Flutter with Back4App, you leverage a powerful combination to build scalable, feature-rich mobile applications efficiently.