
How to Use Isolates in Flutter with Back4app to Handle Heavy Data Processing



Flutter is a powerful framework for building cross-platform applications, but like many mobile frameworks, it runs all code on a single thread by default. This thread, known as the UI thread, is responsible for rendering your app's UI. When heavy tasks like data processing or file handling occur on the UI thread, they can cause the app to lag or "jank," leading to a poor user experience.

To address this, Dart provides a feature called Isolates. Isolates allow you to run expensive computations on a separate thread, keeping your UI responsive. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use isolates in a Flutter application to handle heavy data processing tasks, such as deserializing large JSON files fetched from a Back4app backend.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  • A Back4app account. Sign up for a free account at
  • A Flutter development environment set up on your local machine. Follow the Flutter installation guide if you haven't set it up yet.
  • Basic knowledge of Dart, Flutter widgets, and asynchronous programming.

Step 1 – Setting Up Your Back4app Backend

  1. Create a Back4app Project: Log in to your Back4app account and create a new project.
  2. Create Parse Classes: For this tutorial, create a Parse Class named Record that stores large amounts of data:
    • title (String): The title of the record.
    • description (String): A description of the record.
    • metadata (JSON): Large metadata content associated with the record.
  3. Populate the Class with Sample Data: Add several records to the Record class with large JSON objects in the metadata field. This will simulate the kind of data processing that could cause jank in a real app.
  4. Get Your Back4app Credentials: Navigate to your project settings to retrieve your Application ID and Client Key, which you’ll need to connect your Flutter app to Back4app.

Step 2 – Setting Up Your Flutter Project

  1. Create a New Flutter Project: Open your terminal or command prompt and run:

  1. Add Dependencies: Open pubspec.yaml and add the following dependencies:

Run flutter pub get to install these dependencies.

  1. Initialize Parse in Your App: In lib/main.dart, import the Parse SDK and initialize it in the main function:

Replace 'YOUR_BACK4APP_APP_ID' and 'YOUR_BACK4APP_CLIENT_KEY' with your actual Back4app credentials.

Step 3 – Fetching Data from Back4app

  1. Create the RecordScreen Widget: In lib/main.dart, create a new screen that fetches data from Back4app:

This code fetches all records from the Record class in Back4app and displays them in a list.

Step 4 – Offloading Heavy Data Processing to an Isolate

  1. Using Isolate to Deserialize Large JSON: Suppose the metadata field in each record contains a large JSON object that needs to be deserialized. To avoid blocking the UI thread, we'll use an isolate to perform this task.

  1. Integrate Isolate Processing into the App: Update the RecordScreen widget to process each record's metadata using the isolate:

This implementation fetches records from Back4app, offloads the heavy JSON deserialization task to an isolate, and updates the UI once processing is complete.

Step 5 – Testing and Running Your App

  1. Run your app using flutter run. You should see a list of records fetched from Back4app. The metadata for each record is processed on a separate isolate, ensuring the UI remains smooth and responsive.
  2. Verify performance by testing with large JSON files in the metadata field. Observe how the use of isolates prevents jank and keeps the UI responsive.


In this tutorial, you learned how to use isolates in Flutter to handle heavy data processing tasks, such as deserializing large JSON files. By offloading these tasks to an isolate, you keep the UI thread free to handle rendering, resulting in a smoother and more responsive app. Integrating Back4app as the backend allows you to efficiently manage and retrieve data, while Dart’s isolate model ensures that your app remains performant even when handling complex operations.

For more information on using Flutter with Back4app, check out the Back4app documentation and Flutter documentation. Happy coding!