This database has a comprehensive list with all postal codes of Andorra. It provides the postal code, place name, country code, latitude, and longitude.
The postal services here run with the cooperation of La Poste of France and Correos of Spain. So, the postal codes were also introduced with the cooperation of both of these postal administrations. The postal codes start with the prefix "AD," and there are 7 postal codes. The division of postcodes is rather interesting here as a group of 50 PO Boxes has 1 code. For example, the boxes from 1051 to 1100 have the code "AD552."
Andorra is a microstate that is landlocked in the Iberian Peninsula in the east. It is landlocked in the North by France and by Spain in the South. It has a historic past as it was under the rule of Count of Urgell until 998
The total population of the place is just under 80,000, and of all of the residents, about two-thirds have no right to vote in the communal elections, and they lack Andorran nationality. Other than that, those people cannot hold more than 33% of a private company's stock in Andorra.
Speaking of languages, the official language here is Catalan. However, due to the historic past and links with Spain and France, Spanish and French languages are common here. English is a language that is not spoken very commonly.