Database with Hungarian cities and towns. All data are available through REST and GraphQL APIs, ready for you to clone or connect to your app at Back4App! The data source is from GeoNames.
For the ease of developers, the database will provide a list of data about Hungary. This database will have complete lists of the cities, towns, and villages. The Developers can benefit from the database and get data using APIs. Here the data can be extracted from the database using REST API and GraphQL API. This works by cloning the database and then downloading it in the JSON format. The data here is presented in the order mentioned.
Hungary is a country present in Central Europe covering about 93030 square kilometers of land. This was the land that had to go through the succession of different people from different parts of the world however this became a rational power in the 12th century. This was because of the work of Arpad, the grand prince of Hungary who started working for it in the late 9th century. Here we will discuss more about Hungary.
Hungary has a total of 3152 localities. This is a term that is not distinguished between cities and towns and the number of villages is 2806. Here the important thing to consider is that the number of cities will remain the same. However, the number of villages and towns can change as a village can turn into a town with time and development. In Hungary, the largest city is Budapest and the smallest town in Palhaza. There are more than 100 villages in Hungary where the number of people living is less than 100. The smallest village however has only 20 people.
This is a land that has an amazing history. Things start from the time before 895 BC when the Romans conquered this land. However, after this, this was the land that was under the influence and succession of many different powers. However, things started to change after it.
Hungarians were unified after all this period of following successions and led by Arpad. This was the time when the movement started and after some years Hungary started to become a well-functioning state. After this time, many different kings came and ruled, and the biggest extension of Hungary took place before the start of the 14th century. Before the 15th century was the time when Hungary had conquered a lot of land.
The 15th century was the period of decline of Hungary because of the weak influence of some things.
Hungary had to undergo a war with the Ottomans for about 150 years which they eventually lost. This led to the division of Hungary in 3 parts in the 17th century. By the end of the 17th century, a lot of things were changed.
This was the time when Hungary had a lot of development and improvement in many fields of life.
During world war 1, Hungary yielded its military to the United States and had to remain without a national defense at the borders. This turned out to be a bad decision because Hungary lost about 75% of its land because of this decision of staying without a national defense. In world war 2, Hungary participated against the Russians. This was the time when the German troops occupied Hungary in 1944. After this event, Hungary went under communism for about 40 to 45 years.
In 1989 Hungary transited from communism to democracy and became a peaceful place. This period of democracy is still active in Hungary as the democratically elected Government takes control of all the matters of the country.
In terms of geography, Hungary is a piece of land that has about 10 national parks, 35 landscape protection areas, and 145 minor nature reserves with 2 rivers. The highest point in Hungary is about 882 meters or 1894 feet high. This is known as the Alps.
The climate of Hungary is very interesting as it has a very low humid summer season where there are frequent rain showers. Every year, there is an average rainfall of 600 mm. The interesting thing here is the winter season. This is the time of year when the year gets snowy. The average temperature throughout the year in Hungary is 9.7 degrees Celsius. However, the extremes are 41.9 and -7 degrees Celsius throughout the history of this place.
The economy of Hungary is mainly supported by the achievements in science and technology and also by the transport of this place. Hungary is one of the few countries in the world where human development is very high and consistent, and this is because of the lowest income inequality in the world. Most of the economy of Hungary is privately owned which provides great profits.
If we look at the list of most innovative countries in the world, you will find Hungary at the 32nd number. It is because of the advancements in the field of technology and science followed by the people of Hungary. There are special departments for research and development that help talented people in bringing innovation.
Under the influence of many forces from the start of history, one benefit that Hungary has got is that the system of water transport and roads have a great mapping. Not only this, but the latest governments have made those maps into the latest technological pieces of work. This is the reason why Hungary has a highly developed road, water transport, railway, and air transport systems.
In terms of sports, Hungary is not weaker than any other country in the world. It can be seen through the success ratio of contenders in the Olympic games from Hungary. Hungary is a country that has 498 medals in Olympic games making it ranked 8th in the world. We can see contenders in all different forms of sports from Hungary.
Having a very different history and a very dramatic time of development, Hungary is a country that has gone through a lot of different conditions. However now this has emerged to be a very well established country in the world. Here we discussed all about the significance and cities of Hungary.