This is a comprehensive database with all cities in India. The list includes around 4,000 cities, towns, villages, it's free to download, and consume via APIs. Developers can retrieve data using their preferred programming language, for example, Javascript, Swift, Dart, NodeJS, PHP, Phyton, Swift, Java, etc. Data gathered from Wikipedia and Geonames and licensed under Creative Commons 4.0.
This database brings Coronavirus cases, deaths, and recovery information from Wikipedia. It disposes the information in a more developer friendly format and automatically exposes all the data via GraphQL/REST APIs. All data categorized by country and by date.
SWAPI is the Star Wars API built on top of Back4App. This dataset can be consumed either via REST or GraphQL API.
Complete dataset extracted from the World Bank website with detailed statistics from Albania. It covers more than 1400 statistical indicators like GDP, Population, Life Expectancy, and many more.
The database consists of postal codes from Peru. Data can be fetched using REST APIs and GraphQL. Source: Geonames.
This is a comprehensive database containing all the Zip Codes from China. The dataset is available for download or consumption via APIs (REST or GraphQL).
Complete list of cities of Indonesia containing around 400 populated locations including cities, towns, and villages. Specially designed for developers and all data is available to fetch via APIs or edit cloning the database. Datasources are Geonames and Wikipedia.
This is the most comprehensive database with the Zip Codes from Portugal. It's created for developers and all data can be retrieved via REST and GraphQL APIs. Ready to use code over Swift, NodeJS, Javascript, Python, etc is available and fully integrated with the dataset.
The US County Database is a comprehensive list with all counties names, codes, states, etc. All data can be accessed and manipulated via GraphQL and REST APIs. Users can also copy the list of US county names and edit the data.
Dataset with more than 59k points of interest of the Alabama state.