This database brings Coronavirus cases, deaths, and recovery information from Wikipedia. It disposes the information in a more developer friendly format and automatically exposes all the data via GraphQL/REST APIs. All data categorized by country and by date.
This is a database with the most common animal species with more than 600 names and brief summary of each specie. All data extracted from Wikipedia and organized and a easy to use way.
A presente base de dados fornece a lista dos bairros de São Paulo, subprefeituras e distritos.
Complete dataset with more than 51 thousand Zip Codes from France. Ideal for developers that want to fetch data, perform queries, and use the database API.
Dataset with more than 35k points of interest of the Alaska state.
Dataset with more than 79k records with the points of interest of the New York state. The list includes the name, geolocation, elevation, category, admin code, and etc. Data extracted from Geonames and Wikipedia.