Database with Pin Codes (Zip Codes or Postal Codes) from India. This comprehensive directory contains more than 156k records and all the Pin Codes. You can fetch data using REST or GraphQL APIs, copy or download the database.
India is not only one of the biggest countries in the entire world, it is also home to one of the busiest locations anywhere. Because of its extremely dense population area, India has a very complex ZIP code. Here is everything you need to know about India’s ZIP code and its structure. This is a complete dataset with data about the Pin Codes (Zip Codes or Postal Codes) for India's cities and locations. Summary of the information available specified below:
PIN stands for Postal Index Number and this code is a 6-digit code that is used by the Indian Postal Service to make the process of delivering parcels efficient. It was introduced on 15th August, 1972. • The first 3 digits indicate the postal district. • The last 3 digits represent the specific postal office in a district • 8 PIN regions belong to geographical locations, while the number ‘9’ is for the army.
NativePlanet has introduced a PIN Code Search Engine Tool to ease the process of ZIP code in India. Because the country is extremely large – almost to the point of being called a subcontinent, it is not possible to remember every single ZIP code – even for shipping companies. This tool from NativePlanet is very accurate and is used to find any location in the country through little input. The tool reveals the location’s PIN code as well as the local details of any region. It is a very handy tool and has been used among many organizations and individuals who are searching for PIN codes in India.
The process is straightforward and you simply need to connect your app to the database, customize your query, and get your code. The technologies available are listed below:
This database was extracted from Geonames and Wikipedia.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
September 22, 2020
Please see below the most common questions:
As the name suggests, a dataset is a set or collection of related data in a single entity. A dataset needs to be organized into a data structure such as sales data or business data
An API is a computing interface that allows information to be transferred from one program to another. It can also extend functionality for users through the use of custom or even industry-based standards to ensure interoperability.
The call of a certain application to the database is known as an API request. The most common example is “logging in”.
The two main API types that are supported are GraphQL and REST. You can perform various actions like make queries and even access data on both types.
The fastest way to get an API key from our website is through these three steps:
The answer is “yes”, you definitely can.
You get access to all of your data as well as the hosting service with up-to 10,000 requests per month. What SDKs and libraries are supported? The three main platforms for SDKs and library support include iOS, JavaScript and even Android.