This database has a comprehensive list with all postal codes of Belgium. It offers the zip codes, place name, country code, latitude, and longitude.
Although the postal codes in Belgium consist of 4 digital-only, there are some exceptions from the very beginning. Here the first digit in the postal code shows the province.
There are 2 important things about the postal codes in Belgium. One is that the number of zeros in the postal code talks about the number of people. So, if the number of zeros is more, then the population will be more. Secondly, some institutions and headquarters have special numbers reserved for them as their postal codes.
It is a European country that is the smallest, but it is the most densely populated country in Europe. However, being so small, it is still the nerve center of Europe's economy.
It is a small piece of land with only above 30 thousand square kilometers of land. It shares its border at ease with Germany. The northern border is shared with the Netherlands. The western border meets France, and the southern border meets the Duchy of Luxembourg.