Here you can find a list of all the postal codes in Romania. It's ready to use, you only need to clone it, or connect your Back4App app! Source: Geonames.
Romania is a famous country situated at the crossroads of Southeastern, Central, and Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Hungary, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Moldova, Serbia, and it's opening to the Black Sea.
Postal codes in Romania
Postal codes based on 4 digits codes were introduced in Romania, firstly in 1974. However, at the beginning of 2003, the postal codes became 6-digit codes. These represent the postal addresses to the street level in the major cities of Romania, boasting a population above 50,000.
From left to right, these digits represent:
Demographics of Romania
The climate of Romania is temperate-continental predominantly. At the same time, it boasts an area of 238,397 km2.
Additionally, around 19 million people are living in Romania. Also, Romania is Europe's 12th largest country and the 6th most populated member of the European Union. Bucharest is the capital and largest city of Romania.
Other major urban areas of Romania include:
Economy of Romania
Romania is overall a developing company known as a country with an established and high-income economy. The country has ranked in Human Development Index at 49th place. By nominal GDP, Romania has the 45th largest economy in the world. It is also boasting a rapid growth in its economy since the early 2000s. The economy of the country is majorly based on services.
It is also a net exporter and producer of electric energy and machines.
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